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Address To The Deil (第3/3页)
nge to tell! the youngest brither ye wad whip aff straught to hell. lang syne in eden's bonie yard, when youthfu' lovers first were pair'd, an' all the soul of love they shar'd, the raptur'd hour, sweet on the fragrant flow'ry swaird, in shady bower; then you, ye auld, snick-drawing dog! ye cam to paradise incog, an' play'd on man a cursed brogue, (black be your fa'!) an' gied the infant warld a shog, 'maist rui'd a'. d'ye mind that day when in a bizz wi' reekit duds, an' reestit gizz, ye did present your smoutie phiz 'mang better folk, an' sklented on the man of uzz your spitefu' joke? an' how ye gat him i' your thrall, an' brak him out o' house an hal', while scabs and botches did him gall, wi' bitter claw; an' lows'd his ill-tongu'd wicked scaul', was warst ava? but a' your doings to rehearse, your wily snares an' fechtin fierce, sin' that day michael did you pierce, down to this time, wad ding a lallan tounge, or erse, in prose or rhyme. an' now, auld cloots, i ken ye're thinkin, a certain bardie's rantin, drinkin, some luckless hour will send him linkin to your black pit; but faith! he'll turn a corner jinkin, an' cheat you yet. but fare-you-weel, auld nickie-ben! o wad ye tak a thought an' men'! ye aiblins might—i dinna ken— stil hae a stake: i'm wae to think up' yon den, ev'n for your sake!